The following slides are being uploaded from the presentation titled

26 interesting ways to use mobile phones in classroom” under the creative commons license. Though the original count was 26 it has grown upto 29 through valuable additions by various contributors. The presentation itself is a valuable example of crowdsourcing. To contribute, please visit here.

Some other valuable ideas about the use of Mobile phones in classrooms can be accessed here:

  1. Smartphones in classrooms: It talks about various applications of the use of mobile phones in classroom for an interesting learning experience.
  2. “Educators Look at Using Cell Phones as Teaching Tools” The article features how cell phones are being used in Joe Wood’s science class at Somerset Middle School in Modesto, CA. [published in Aug 03, 2009, The Sacramento Bee – McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX]
  3.  “From Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education” This book is written by Liz Kolb, a doctoral student at the University of Michigan studying Learning Technologies. She is also an adjunct Professor at Madonna University and a former high school teacher and technology coordinator. Liz maintains a website called “”  Inside Michigan Education conducted an interview with Liz that you can read online.
  4. Smartphones belong in classroom: an article by NY Times.
  5. Joe Dale’s tips on integration of technology into learning experiences.